A national neutron beam program 

Providing access to research infrastructure in Canada and abroad

Program Missions

Enabling research that makes impact

National neutron beam facilities produce social and economic impacts worth at least double the investment.

Canadian universities are leading the way to build Canadian capacity for materials research with neutron beams. The neutron community has set forth a unified vision in the Canadian Neutron Long-Range Plan for 2025 to 2035. 

The Long-Range Plan recommends a “national neutron beam program" that will enable impactful research in areas such as clean energy, advanced manufacturing, health, and quantum innovation.

Neutron Beam Operations

Neutrons Canada will operate Canada’s domestic neutron beam facilities

International Partnerships

Neutrons Canada will secure access to world-leading neutron laboratories

Building For the Future

Neutrons Canada will manage national initiatives for future neutron sources
Reactor at McMaster University

Neutron Beam Operations

Neutrons Canada will operate Canada’s domestic neutron beam facilities.

McMaster University has received $35M in capital investments to develop a national neutron beam user laboratory at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor.

Two beamlines are to open as user facilities soon, with three more to be completed over the next several years. The latter three are funded through the CFI 2020 Innovation Fund project “Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering,” proposed by a collaboration of 17 universities.

These facilities will be operated by Neutrons Canada in the coming years.

Get beam time at MNR

International Partnerships

Neutrons Canada will secure access to world-leading neutron laboratories by facilitating Canadian participation in international partnerships. 

McMaster University has received $11M through the CFI 2020 Innovation Fund project “Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering” for partnerships with the Spallation Neutron Source and the NIST Center for Neutron Research, both in the United States.

Neutrons Canada has entered a partnership with the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source in the United Kingdom. More partnerships with foreign neutron sources are under development.  

Neutrons Canada will manage Canada’s international partnerships for materials research with neutron beams in the coming years.

Get beam time at ISIS

Building For the Future

Neutrons Canada will manage national initiatives for future neutron sources needed for the long term, including projects that explore and develop new technologies for neutron sources and beamlines.

A national team of researchers led by the University of Windsor has completed a feasibility study to design and build a prototype compact accelerator-based neutron source that would be used to test neutron source technologies, as well as to conduct materials research and to develop and demonstrate an innovative cancer therapy using a neutron beam.

The neutron beam community also recently completed its long-range plan, which considers all technology options for a high-brightness national-scale neutron source.

Read the Long-Range Plan

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