Long Range Plan 2025 Process
Archived Page
The Canadian Neutron Long-Range Plan for 2025 to 2035 is now available.
The Canadian Neutron Long-Range Plan for 2025 to 2035 (Neutron LRP 2025) is a consultative process currently underway to develop a plan for implementation of the national neutron strategy. The Neutron LRP process is led by the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (which represents neutron users), McMaster University, and Neutrons Canada (which is the institutional steward of the LRP process). The LRP Panel is composed of the LRP organizing committee and the co-chairs of the working groups.
The Neutron LRP will develop a community-supported, comprehensive, specific, and realistic plan for the actions needed in the next decade to rebuild Canada’s capabilities for neutron beams, maintain Canadian leadership, enable Canadians to address major social and economic challenges, and maximize benefits to Canada. The LRP will identify the critical science questions and, where appropriate, demonstrate alignment with priorities of government and funding agencies.
The resulting Neutron LRP will serve as a single unified vision for the highest priority projects and activities. Thus, the LRP process is intended to align the neutron beam community around a single plan and enable the community to act collectively to implement it. The LRP will enable the community to speak coherently to funders, policy makers, foreign partners, and others concerning its common needs. It will communicate the strengths of research using neutron beams, identify its benefits to Canada, and position the neutron beam community among other scientific communities that require access to Major Research Facilities.
The LRP will include a set of recommendations needed to implement the national strategy to rebuild Canada’s capabilities for research using neutron beams (the “national neutron strategy”). The scope of the LRP’s recommendations will cover topics such as:
- Foreign partnerships
- Building on existing domestic infrastructure
- New infrastructure for the future
- Scientific, technical, and other professional expertise
- Funding, management, and governance frameworks
- Support for research (e.g. user support, training, scholarships, outreach to industry)
- Conduct of the infrastructure program, including EDI, science outreach and communications, knowledge mobilization, and technology transfer
The LRP will consider all user needs, covering multiple sectors (industry, government, and academic), disciplines (physics, chemistry, life sciences, health, engineering, archaeology), and all neutron techniques that Canadians require.
The LRP will consider multiple time frames:
- Short-term (present to 2025), e.g. establishing first partnerships and domestic user facilities
- Medium-term (2025-2030), e.g. establishing a full infrastructure program
- Long-term (beyond 2030), e.g. major investment in a new ‘flagship’ facility
Organizing committee members:
- Drew Marquardt, President of CINS and LRP Co-Chair (U. Windsor)
- Bruce Gaulin, LRP Co-Chair (McMaster)
- Pat Clancy (McMaster)
- Dave Tucker (McMaster)
- John Root (Neutrons Canada)
- Daniel Banks (Neutrons Canada)
Additional LRP Panel Members:
- Energy Materials: Jacques Huot (U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
- Energy Materials: Dominic Ryan (McGill U.)
- Energy Materials: Michelle Dolgos (U. Calgary)
- Imaging: Emil Hallin (U. Saskatchewan)
- Imaging: Daniel Hussey (NIST Center for Neutron Research)
- Quantum Materials: Zahra Yamani (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
- Quantum Materials: Pat Clancy (McMaster U.)
- Quantum Materials: Andrea Bianchi (U. Montreal)
- Residual Stress and Engineering: James Noel (Western U.)
- Residual Stress and Engineering: Hamid Abdolvand (Western U.)
- Soft Matter and Biology: Simon Rondeau-Gagné (U. Windsor)
- Soft Matter and Biology: Drew Marquardt (U. Windsor)
- Post-doc Rep: Mitchell DiPasquale (McMaster U.)
- PhD Student Rep: Yijia Zi (McMaster U.)
Process & Timeline
The LRP will review the fields of research in Canada that rely on neutron beam infrastructure, appraise technology options for new neutron sources, and identify Canadian needs, compiling results in a set of white papers and reports (Phase 1). These inputs will be used to solicit ideas and proposals for investments that address those needs, and will produce a prioritized list of recommended actions (Phase 2).
Get Involved
There are several ways you can get involved in the LRP process:
- Take the Neutron LRP 2025 survey:
- Part 1 (Everyone): Anonymous personal demographic information and identification of barriers
- Part 2 (Principal Investigators): Access to neutron beam time, neutron publications, awards, and recognitions
- Give input into the white papers and reports. The link provides permission to comment on the papers and reports:
- Topical working group reports
- Student issues
- Future flagship facilities
- Write your own brief on one of the topics identified in the scope section above
- Attend science meetings and workshops associated with the LRP process
- There was an LRP session at the CINS neutron scattering conference at McMaster University, March 16-17, 2023
- There will be an LRP session at the CINS annual meeting (December 2023)
- The final consultation meeting for the Canadian Neutron Long-Range Plan for 2025 to 2035 will be held at McMaster University on February 12-13, 2024.
- Work with your institution or neutron source to propose ideas for Canadian investment
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) provided financial support to the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering for the LRP2025 through the NSERC Special Opportunities Fund.