Call for Proposals: Canadian Access to the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source


ISIS Muon Source

Canadian researchers are invited to apply now for preferential access to neutron beam time and travel support for up to two researchers per experiment.

Proposals should be for experiments to be run between September 2024 and March 2025. Proposals must be submitted by Wednesday 17 April 2024 at 17:00 British Summer Time (BST). These proposals will be reviewed in parallel to ISIS’s normal calls for proposals (Round 24-2).

Additional Requirements for Round 24-2

  • Applicants granted beam time during Round 24-1 through the Canadian Access mechanism are not eligible to apply to the Canadian Access mechanism in Round 24-2. Further, only one application per research group will be considered. These restrictions will ensure a broader distribution of these limited opportunities and encourage more collaborations between Canada and ISIS.
  • ISIS may choose to limit the Canadian time granted on its most oversubscribed instruments. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss potential experiments with their instrument contact at ISIS to determine the best instrument to select in their proposal. 

Preference criteria

In the event of an oversubscription of the Canadian beam time by meritorious proposals, preference will be given to researchers who are:

  • From Neutrons Canada’s Member institutions
  • New to using neutrons or ISIS
  • Early career researchers

For more information, visit

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