Stephen Yue

Board Director

Professor in Materials Engineering, and Director of the McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Stephen Yue is a Professor in Materials Engineering at McGill University, where he holds the titles of Lorne Trottier Chair in Aerospace Engineering and Distinguished James McGill Professor. He has also been the Director of the McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering for twelve years. He has served a term as Associate Dean (Academic Affairs) and as Chairman of the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering for eight years. He has been awarded major capital grants for research infrastructure from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, and much of his research is in collaboration with industry. From these positions, Dr. Yue brings invaluable perspectives on the person-management and deployment of resources required to set up and operate research installations.

Dr. Yue also served for several years as a reviewer of project proposals for user access to the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, on behalf of the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering. He supplies a perspective on the needs of academic users and their respective institutions, as well as on the interests of Canadian industry. He has authored or co-authored over 300 technical papers in the domain of physical metallurgy, applied to the deformation processing of metals. He is interested in the effect of processing on microstructure and properties and has used neutron characterization methods in the past.

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